Romeoville, a part of the Images of America series, is a book by Nancy Hackett and the Romeoville Area Historical Society. Romeoville covers the rich history of the village, from its origins as a home for construction workers building the Illinois and Michigan Canal to the vibrant community it is today. From farming and one-room schools to modern businesses and the Valley View School District, the book takes the reader through the villages history and development from Romeo to Romeoville. To help tell the story, Romeoville is filled with vintage photos that bring its multi-stage history alive.
© 2013; Arcadia Publishing
Nancy Hackett and the Romeoville Area Historical Society
Chapter titles: Before Romeoville Began; Island Neighbors; Birth of Romeoville; Old-fashioned Farming; From Schools to Colleges; Homes Built in a Day; Valley View Schools Year-round; A Diverse Community; Family Businesses to Corporate Giants; Romeoville Today.
Available through the Romeoville Area Historical Society for $19.00 or if mailed the cost would be $21.00 which includes shipping and handling.